Monday, 14 May 2007

Boring Boring Premiership

Once again another Premiership season draws to a predictable close.
Surprise surprise, ManUre, Chelski, Arse and Liverpool (guess which one of the 4 I like) take the Champions League places, the top 2 losing just 8 games between them . The title was only a 2 horse race probably since Xmas and apart from the fans of the 2 clubs involved no-one gave a toss who actually won it.

The only "excitement" was the relegation battle where - again - surprise surprise, 2 of last years promoted teams and a team who had 3 managers in the season eventually went down.

Compare this with the Championship, where the top 2 automatically promoted teams both lost over 25% of their matches and now, with 46 games plus one play off match so far, my team Southampton along with 3 others will STILL think they have something to play for. One of the 4 will end up going up to the Promised Land of the Premiership.

Do I hope we make it? - Of course I do.

Will I be disappointed if we don't? - Not one bit

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