Saturday, 8 September 2007

A Quick 9 Holes

Today I had a game of golf.

A friend getting married later in the day (no doubt more about that later) decided that a good way of relaxing in the morning would be a quick 9 holes . I hadn't played for about seven years or more and I was shite then but I thought I'd give it a go.

What a perfect way to pass a few hours on a beautiful September morning. I came last - as expected - but their was only 3 shots between the four of us so (positive view) I near enough held my own or (negative view) the other 3 are almost as shite as I am .

In the past I used to judge the success of a round not on shots taken but balls lost. My good friend Snopper would be proud of me, in 9 holes I lost 2 but found 4.

The one worrying outcome of this is that I have spent 3 years finding excuses (back injury, knee injury, shoulder injury etc etc) not to play against Mrs W - she sounds like she's (worryingly) pretty good at the game. When (negative)/If (as positive as I can get) she beats me I'll never hear the last of it. Never. Ever. After coming home injury free and having fully enjoyed my morning I have now run out of reasons to say No.

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