Friday, 14 December 2007

Hubble Bubble Xmas Trouble - Latest Score

The current standings in the battle between the kittens and the xmas tree are as follows

Scores for the kittens.
All bottom branches bent down to the ground
Lower lights resting on carpet.
Hanging toy drum missing.
Fairy on the top now at strange angle
2ft high wicker snowman now laying face down.

Tree has only managed one revenge score so far.
Small pile of cat sick containing tinsel.

And still it's 10 days to Xmas !
Caught In The Act 3Caught In The Act 1
Caught In The Act 2
Caught In The Act

1 comment:

  1. small pile of catsick containing tinsel. love that.
    we didn't put up a tree this yea due to kittens


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